Shows from 2023

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Strange Light Phenomena REDUX - June 22, 2023

Remastered 4 shows from 2018 into 1. I'm joined by Jeff Ritzmann, Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Joshua Cutchin. Jeff is on the first two, Josh on the last two. This is the main 2 shows, then 2 shows talking about comments and emails we got in response.

"On this episode with Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Jeff Ritzmann, we talk about mysterious lights, flashes, orbs, and various other odd light phenomena. We get into some of what Tim experienced on Site 7, which you can hear in his Strange Familiars episode, Lights in the Woods."

"On these follow-up episodes with Timothy Renner, Wren Collier, and Joshua Cutchin, we talk about listener stories involving mysterious lights, flashes, orbs, and various other odd light phenomena. Joshua also relates some of the fae folklore as well."


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