Seriah is joined by Red Pill Junkie and Chris Ernst in a focused episode about the recent book by Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris “Trinity: Best Kept Secret”, a debunking expose, and the response to it. Topics include the Trinity nuclear test and its effects, Reme Baca, Jose Padilla, a story of a crashed avocado-shaped UFO, a possible object taken from the craft, Douglas Dean Johnson, congressional action on UAPs, Bob Lazar, Ray and Rex Stanford, dinosaur tracks, the Manhattan Project, radiation, alien beings, the metric system, Eddie Apodaca, unusual metal samples, the book “Born on the Edge of Ground Zero”, a theory of alien craft, New Mexico Highway Patrol, WWII, childhood memories, “photographic memory”, MUFON, the “Invisible Gorilla” book, memory abilities, Sabrina Padilla, strange angel hair material, a theory to explain the timeline, nuclear weapons and UFO activity, Barbara Fisher, UFO whistle-blowers, Christopher Mellon, Omni magazine, Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Philip Imbrogno, Ufology culture, Vallee and computer technology, leading questions in interviews, Philip J. Corso, The Black Tapes podcast, Bill Brophy, Wendelle Stevens, a different story of a UFO crash recovery, Ron Brinkley, “Witness to Another World” film, UFO trauma, Peter Robbins, lying Rendlesham witness, Isaac Cory, Charlie Wiser, Travis Walton, high strangeness appearing to marginalized people, Ariel School UFO incident, UFO tarot deck, and much more! This was an absolutely fascinating deep dive!
- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part Podcast
Outro Music is by BELLS≥ with End Over End.