Shows from 2017

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Main Shows from 2017. 

Seeking the Primordial with Laird Scranton - Part 1 of 2: Dec 23, 2017

Seeking the PrimordialIn this two part interview (which Patreons got all of right away), we discuss Laird Scranton's latest book, Seeking the Primordial: Exploring Root Concepts of Cosmological Creation. This book is basically the background to a lot of what Laird has been researching, and it deals with the ancient concepts that he has unearthed about how reality forms, and the grand cycles of time and space. 

Outro music is Whirring World by Psyche Corporation.



Seeking the Primordial with Laird Scranton - Part 2 of 2: Dec 30, 2017

Seeking the PrimordialIn this two part interview, we discuss Laird Scranton's latest book, Seeking the Primordial: Exploring Root Concepts of Cosmological Creation. This book is basically the background to a lot of what Laird has been researching, and it deals with the ancient concepts that he has unearthed about how reality forms, and the grand cycles of time and space. 

Outro music is A Hidden City by Jaan.



UFO Disclosure in the New York Times - December 17, 2017

WDTRGI wanted to get a response to the New York Times article that was published on December 16th which is being heralded by some as 'Disclosure'. We take the article apart and examine what is does and does not actually say...

Outro Music by Lee NNB AKA Monkey Mind with Lights Over Pheonix...



UFO Disclosure in the NYT Part 2 with Michael Hughes - December 22, 2017

WDTRGIn this episode we take a different view of the New York Times article, this time with Michael Hughes explaining his view of things and why he thinks this is an important moment in history.

Outro Music by Inviolate with "Skeptic" from The Insomniac's Dream



Exploring the Fringe...