Round Tables Shows

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Shows with a Roundtable Format with various guests and co-hosts.

The End of the World - September 22, 2017

BurningTarotI am joined by Joshua Cutchin, Red Pill Junkie, and Aaron David, and we talk about the history of The End of the World. Past predictions, what some of the terms actually mean, why some of the popular ideas don't work, and the philosophical ideas behind it.

Outro Music by Psyche Corporation "End of the World"



Ghosts, Magick, and more with Melissa Martell and Tim Renner - September 14, 2017

Melissa Martell and Tim Renner

Melissa Martell joins us for the first time, and we discuss a variety of subjects, including Folklore, Ghosts, Pet Ghost Encounters, Crowley, Magick, and much more...

Timothy Renner can be found at

Melissa can be found at MDM Create for graphic design, as well as writing for The Curious Fortean, and behind the scenes at The Folklore Podcast.


Outro Music is Morpheus V2.1 by Psyche Corporation


Terence McKenna Retrospective - September 8, 2017

Terence McKenna

For this show, Seriah takes a bit of a back seat to the conversation, as Joshua Cutchin, Michael Hughes, and Red Pill Junkie, discuss the life and work of Terence McKenna...

Outro Music is by Craft of Unknown Origin, the very appropriate, Glassworld Machine Elves.



Changing Views - August 23, 2017

BurningTarotWe discuss how my views of various phenomena have changed over the years, and even in the last year. This leads to discussions of all kinds of things, including potential life on Mars. Truly all over the place with this one... Enjoy!

Wren can be found at Liminal Room.

Joshua can be founr at his website

Outro Music is Black Eyes by David Wirsig


Exploring the Fringe...