Round Tables Shows

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Shows with a Roundtable Format with various guests and co-hosts.

Author Michael Marshall Smith on The Straw Men, Conspiracies, and more... - September 8, 2016


Michael Marshall Smith is a prolific Sci-Fi / Horror author, whose work regularly deals in subject matter we discuss here on Where Did the Road Go? His Straw Men Trilogy is one of the best pieces of fiction I have read in quite some time. We talk about that, his inspirations, film projects, Intruders series that ran on the BBC, and much more...

Check out his website at


Ending music is Eliza Rickman "Pretty Little Head".

Stranger Things Roundtable - August 26, 2016

Stranger Things.png

On this roundtable show, I am joined by Joshua Cutchin and Red Pill Junkie and we discuss the Fortean and Paranormal influences on the TV series, Stranger Things. 


Listener's Stories: Midweek Podcast with Sysco and Steve Stockton - August 4, 2016

As I have been collecting stories for our next listener stories show, there have been a few people with repeated experiences throughout their lives. Sysco is one. She was previously on the show talking about a civil war ghost she encountered. I had Steve Stockton join us and we talked to Sysco about her experiences. I cut it at a certain point, she has more to talk about, and we will probably bring her back soon rather than doing a 4 hour show. If you want to contribute your experiences to the show, please get in touch!


Midweek Podcast: Fortfest, The Antikythera Mechanism, and Religious Perspectives - July 22, 2016


In this roundtable, we talk about some of the weirdness that surrounded our Fortfest appearance, the latest new on the antikythera mechanism and what it really may mean, and, set off by the movie, The Body, we discuss religious perspectives, as well as some political ones, and delve just a bit into conspiracies...


Exploring the Fringe...