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When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

Midweek Podcast: Evidence and the Paranormal Part 2 with Joshua Cutchin and Michael Hughes - August 28, 2015


Joshua Cutchin and Michael M Hughes join us to continue our conversation about what constitutes evidence for the paranormal. We talk about the recent Lizard Man video, UFO's, Consciousness, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts and Ghost Hunting, multiple dimensions, Magick, The Occult, and Channeling, as well as flipping the tables and looking at the double standard present in establishment science for ideas that are accepted without proof. We delve into Electric Universe Theory, Planet X, Binary Star Systems, Placebo Effects, Peer Review, and more. 



David Paulides on Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence - Part 2 - September 12, 2015

411Sober CoverDavid Paulides joins us again to talk about his latest work, Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence. In this volume, David continues with his profile points involving the disappearances and applies them to a series of incidents involving young men and women, mostly college age. Many of the victims vanished within the confines of their college or university town. These individuals were brilliant scholars, athletes and stellar people in their community. They disappear under unusual circumstances and are often found in areas that were previously searched. Medical examiners in these cases often cannot determine the cause of death. Many times the victim was recovered in water, yet autopsies show the body was not in the water the entire time the victim was missing. The majority of the families in these cases believe their loved ones were abducted and held, then later dumped in the water. These allegations are generally ignored by authorities until pressured by facts presented through secondary autopsies that families requested and paid for. 

This part contains some of the stranger stories in the new book, as well as some discussion of what could be doing this, or more accurate, what does not explain it...




Scotty Roberts on Paradigm and The Nefilim - August 29, 2015

I am joined this week by Scotty Roberts and we start off, for the first 30 minutes or so, talking a bit about The Paradigm Symposium which is coming up on October 1 -4, 2015. After that, We get into Scotty's first book,The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim: The Untold Story of Fallen Angels, Giants on the Earth, and Their Extraterrestrial Origins. We talk about who they were, what the texts actually say about them and the Anunanki,. 




Steph Young talks about Taken in the Woods - August 22, 2015

Taken in the WoodsSteph Young returns to talk about her latest book; Taken in the Woods: Disappearing and Missing People. True Accounts and Mounting Evidence: The Body Collectors; A Chronicle of Stolen Souls. We talk about missing people, ley lines, the Illuminati, invisible entities, creatures in the infrared, underground races, disembodied voices, mass suicides, and much more. 


Steph Young is an avid researcher on all supernatural, paranormal, and esoteric enigmas. Facebook: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Steph Young

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