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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

The House on Pine Street with Austin Keeling - May 10, 2017

The House on Pine Street

I did this interview back in December of 2016, and it kind of ended up in limbo. Not because it was a bad interview, it just got pushed back unintentionally. I talk with writer, producer, and director of The House on Pine Street, Austin Keeling. Aside from the movie, we also talk about his being a twin, some psychic connections that happen from it, and some paranormal stuff that has happened to him. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, in part because it did not take the predictable route, it shows they had some knowledge of the actual paranormal, and created a rather original story. 

Check them out on Facebook




Seriah's Weird Experiences with Jeff Ritzmann and Joshua Cutchin: Part 2 - April 29, 2017


Before the last show with Greg Bishop and Jeff Ritzmann, Jeff had asked Seriah about some of his experiences, realizing he had only heard bits and pieces on the show, so Seriah let Jeff and Joshua ask him about his experiences, some of which were previously covered on the episode about Kundalini, but by no means all. Part 2 gets into some of the really strange experiences...


Outro Music by Meka Nism, "Mouth of God", from their EP, "The Shift"



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