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About This Show

When it comes to unexplained phenomena, it is just that. Unexplained. We try to approach this from as many different ways as possible, and to throw out the assumptions that have driven research for a very long time. These strange experiences people have, no matter what you want to label or catagorize them as, are real in some way. They have been reported throughout history and across cultures. If nothing else, they are a very Human experience. None of the theories we have may even come close to divining what we are actually experiencing, if they did, we would have some answers. We do not know what Reality is, what life or death are, or truly why we are here. We do know that our senses filter much out, and our memories do not work like we think they do. New approaches are needed if we are ever to make any progress at all in understanding what we are interacting with. Some of that comes from understanding ourselves, and some of that comes from having a truly open mind in confronting those things that defy explanation. We need new eyes, perspectives, and better questions. That is the goal of Where Did the Road Go? To go places that have not been tread before, and explore new things from new angles. To leave the well worn road, and wander...

Where Did the Road Go?

High Strangeness with Chad and Alta Dillard - Part 2: May 16, 2015

Chad and Alta

This will be the second part of three of the interview with Chad and Alta Dillard about their High Stangeness Experiences. Part 1 can be listened to here.


Chad & Alta met and married in the early nineties in the city of Little Rock Arkansas. The marriage was one of destiny and as Alta would say, arranged. What they did not know is that from that moment on the couple would partake in a journey into the world of unknown and High Strangeness.

From aliens to ghosts, to a shape shifter, from meeting people who have been seen, and some unseen, this is a story for the open minded. In 1995 Chad & Alta experienced their first UFO, a massive sight in Hammond, Louisiana. This experience opened their eyes and led them to the well-known French Quarter in New Orleans where the high strangeness continued.

As they tried to take day by day to understand their place and purpose of these unusual events, they met a young lady, a co-worker named Jacqueline. Little did Jacqueline know this would be the most unusual bond of her life.

In 1997, a night that would live with them to their last breath, Chad, Alta and Jacqueline were taken from a street corner in the French Quarter. Alta calls this “the night of missing time” where the three have shared their own individual experiences. Everything from Chad’s blue being encounter, Alta’s blond female interaction, and an implant found in her arm and four digit prints. Their story will take your breath away.

The High Strangeness continued when, in 1999, Chad and Alta moved to New Mexico where Chad went face to face with a black eyed adult and other anomalous happenings. The couple moved to Denver, Colorado for their jobs, and found themselves in the middle of the infamous Columbine High School massacrewhich occurred on April 20, 1999.

In 2001 the couple found their way to Alabama where Chad works with his dad in the locomotive business. Their stay continues to bring High Strangeness into their lives. The strange encounters continued, or should we say followed them, as they discovered a sasquatch creature, ghosts, red orbs, lizard monkeys and so much more.

Chad and Alta encountered their second UFO while driving across Mississippi in 2012 and discovered that one of their family members has had a similar experience. The story gets more and more strange. How does this all play together? Well, they can’t be sure, but what they do know is that it has happened . Sit back and listen and Chad and Alta will tell you.



Seriah Azkath on Kundalini and Electrical People - May 9, 2015


This was a hard show for me to do. Luke, my co-host, was a great help in this, and I discuss some very personal material here that I feel is important for some. I know growing up, it would have been a life saver if I had heard a show like this, so I hope my opening up about all this will help someone else. Opening up like this is not an easy thing for me to do, I am often silent about most of my life, relating a story here and there as applicable. If you have any experiences you wish to talk about or have questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- Seriah

This was a unique show for Where Did the Road Go? There was no guest, just your main host Seriah, and his co-host Luke St. Clair. They discuss Seriah's experiences with spontaneous Kundalini awakening as well as electrical effects he suffered for many years afterwards. Kundalini, known more for it's style of Yoga is a powerful force. When awakened spontaneously, there is no control, and one may literally lose their mind. After searching for a guest to discuss these experiences with, Seriah, with the help of Luke, decided to do this himself. Seriah did talk about this with Micah Hanks back at the end of 2013 on The Gralien Report, which you can listen to here, but this goes more in depth. Beyond that, the conversation goes into some related experiences. 





Wallace Thornhill on The Electric Universe - May 2, 2015

wal thornhillWallace Thornhill returns to the show to talk with us about The Electric Universe. We discuss some of the new scientific discoveries and how they relate, their upcoming EU conference in June, the history of the solar system, the electic sun, and how all this relates to consciousness. Also, we lost connection a couple times near the end. I edited out those parts, but the edit isn't perfect, so if it seems things don't flow right a couple of times, that is why.


Wallace Thornhill graduated in Physics at Melbourne University in 1964 and began postgraduate studies with Prof. Victor Hopper’s upper atmosphere research group. Before entering university, he had been inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky through his controversial best-selling book, Worlds in Collision. Wal experienced first-hand the indifference and sometimes hostility toward a radical challenge to mainstream science. He realized there is no career for a heretic in academia.

Wal worked for 11 years with IBM Australia. The later years were spent in the prestigious IBM Systems Development Institute in Canberra, working on the first computer graphics system in Australia. He was the technical support for the computing facilities in the Research Schools at the Australian National University, which gave him excellent access to libraries and scientists there.

Wal was initially heavily influenced by the then revolutionary ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky of Princeton. Velikovsky proposed that mankind had been devastated in the past by cosmological events . Wal took these ideas and with his deep knowledge of astronomy and, plasma physics began his own questioning of scientific dogma. Paramount was the place of electro magnetism, as distinct from gravity, in the formation of the universe . This slowly but surely led to his and other colleagues (such as David Talbot, Donald Scott, and Anthony Peratt) questioning such ingrained theories as the big bang, black holes and Einstein’s theory of relativity. This group in particular contend that many scientific “proofs “are theory laden or mathematically concocted. An insistence on empirical data from observations and experiments gives their work true integrity. (bio taken from, more at the sight)

Wallace's site:



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