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Seriah Azkath

Seriah Azkath

Seriah is the host of Where Did the Road Go?

Website URL:

David Mathisen on Star Myths - July 16, 2016

DavidThis is a far reaching conversation about the survival of star myths in our world, why, and what they may mean. We look at the commonality of these myths worldwide and what that suggests. David also touches on their pratical use in everyday life. We get into how he got to this point of understanding and the huge transition he went through. 


David Mathisen is the author of The Undying Stars and of the recent multi-volume series Star Myths of the World and how to interpret them.

His work presents evidence that the world's myths, scriptures and sacred stories are based upon a common system of celestial metaphor, and teaches you to hear and interact with the myths in the metaphorical, celestial language in which they are actually addressing us.

He believes that the world's ancient myths are a precious inheritance given to all humanity, and containing wisdom with profound relevance for our lives right now, wherever we are.

David's Website:

Some extra reading material about some of the material we talk about...

The Samson story in the Bible

Video related to the Samson story

Some discussion of Revelation chapter 9 and how it relates to Scorpio, Sagittarius, and other constellations and features in that part of the sky

12 pieces of evidence that argue for a spherical earth

Several articles about evidence that earth might have once undergone a "big roll";


They're Here... They are Everywhere - Midweek Podcast - July 7, 2016

Theyarehere.jpgOn this edition of our Midweek podcast, we start out talking about the Poltergeist Reboot, and Remakes in general. We move on to Ancient Aliens: The Game, and whether or not belief in aliens really conflicts with religion. The last part of the show is dedicated to a document a listener sent along. It was a list of experiences he had throughout his life. The first experience is entitled, They are Everywhere, and they are some weird little encounters, we read them and talk about what may be behind them. 



Mid-Week Podcast: The Fairy Faith - Documentary Discussion: July 1, 2016


Joshua Cutchin hosts this episode of the show, along with Seriah and Red Pill. The Fairy Faith, linked below, is a documentary on just what it sounds like. It was released in 2000, and is one of Josh's favorite documentaries. We discuss it, and of course, we meander off the road and discuss other related things. I would recommend giving the doc a view, and then listening, but it's not a necessity.  


Mid Week Podcast: Rants and Responses - June 29, 2016



So in this Mid Week, it starts with Joshua and I, with Red Pill joining in near the end. We address the solution to our long running issue with iTunes, and I rant a bit about why iTunes frustrates me. We briefly examine a video of "giants" in Egypt on Google Maps, linked below, talk about why we feel people who have had multiple experiences are credible, and we address a post on our forum asking if we are scientific in our approach. 



The Egypt Video

The Father Ted Video that Explains it;

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